
To create and write songs makes me happy

There is a wonderful flow in creating as I have experienced many times during my life. It tingles in the body and the energy rises in a feeling of joy. Currently, I am feeling the flow in writing songs while in the past in painting paintings, postcards, and garden forms. When the wind of creation blows, it is easy to express oneself, words, tones, color, and form. It falls into place by itself in some way.

It's just so wonderful to be in that feeling.


"Ones a local always a local" My hometown Sveg

I feel that I belong in both Härjedalen and Dalarna. When I meet people from Sveg, it is as if we belong together, as if there is a pride in sharing the experience of growing up in Härjedalen. I was born during the last year the maternity hospital in Sveg was kept open. Later I moved further down to Falun to start high school, and here I still live with my family.

Music around the corner

In the middle of Dalarna, there’s a magical village. There are red barns in a row to protect from the wind. The houses are many, timbered and red. It smells light of tar, jasmine, and cow dung, and the midsummers Eve in Sifferbocannot be compared to anywhere else in Sweden. Here I have my relatives and my roots.


Living in Dalarna is like living with music around the corner. The music life is strong, not only in our home but I can easily feel the smell of hay and remember the Bingsjö meeting as a givenpart of every summer. Music by the silage was the highlight of the summer as a child.


To satisfy my longing for snow, plains, and mountains, my family and I have a house in Storfjäten.


Storfjäten is special. The place is located below the foot of the mountain with a flowing river in the valley. Storfjäten is located in Härjedalen'slandscape but belongs to Dalarna County.



The winds of life

Härjedalen is not large but the wind has endless space to pick up speed and the mountains are unprotected on the horizon. Here I grew up and learned that freedom is right in front of me. Freedom and simplicity. When life is different,winds take off. It sometimes feels like the upwind takes you on exciting unexplored paths. Other times I wonder if the downwind will bend me until I find a new shape.


Our home was characterized by singing and music, and when I meet my sister, we often sing together

My father Olle was a music teacher and cantor.His legacy is strong in the form of singing and playing music in everyday life. He has interpreted some of my grandpa’s poems in tones and music, which I also feel like doing.


My mother Linnea worked as a nurse in Sveg at Sörgårdsmon. Leif Nilsson also worked there as a janitor, and he was always so happy and mischievous when I came and visited.


Today I collaborate with the janitor's son Mats Nilsson who produces my songs. We meet, talk, remember and make music together. We often meet in Härjeåsjön outside Sveg, where the air is clear, and the stress stays at a distance. Outside the cottage, the slopes are filled with strawberry plants and the forest is dense around the sparkling lake. There is a simplicity that I feel good about.


Before the pandemic, I sang with a group of musicians, we usually met as often as we could to "play a little". During the pandemic, music has had to find other ways. Some of us have a project where we sing outside the shelter "Support in tones"

And the path for my own music through the meeting with Mats has made me choose to produce the songs fully.